Friday, November 4, 2016

Farting Frank

We ordered the oven from the store next door and bought a vacuum cleaner. One down side living by the beach is sand. It's everywhere.

It was gonna take few days before we actually would get the oven so before that be bought a toaster. You can actually make fried chicken with toaster and killer eggs. Did you know that?

We also picked up the gas bottle from the neighbor lady and paid the rent from laundry machine.
I'm kinda nervous with this gas oven thing because you never know if I'm gonna explode this house.
Yeah we have electric ovens in Finland.

Look how cute cover we found!
I still want the kitchen table. I gave up with the cloth closet and I just took the doors off from the old one so our clothes wouldn't smell so bad.
Ofc the dress boy from the closet is broken..
So every morning I wake up to the noise of crazy ass birds singing in our tree. I get up, make some coffee with breakfast and sit on the old couch on our balcony. OH BTW! It doesn't smell bad anymore inside after I moved the old ugly couch from inside to outside. Victoryyyy.
Usually while eating breakfast I call to my family in Finland and gossip a while. We have had some problems with bureaucracy and it seems that nothing is gonna work.

Also my cousin had a baby right after I left so I ask how he is! So annoying that I didn't know he was gonna have a baby when I bought the tickets here. The baby was born two weeks after I left! Oh well, I'm gonna see him when he is like 6 months or something when I'm gonna visit in Finland in April.

Okay so I have had good time to get to know to our neighbors. Oh no I don't talk to them. I just observe and listen.

We have this neighbor. Who has diarrhea. Every morning. And I can hear him from his bathroom window he keeps open. And it's navigated directly to our "balcony". I'm gonna call this dude Frank. Farting Frank.
Frank takes shower always at the same time and I'm always having my breakfast while his shower and bathroom time.

Like I have heard everything that happens in his guts.. And it's not pretty.

Like. Why doesn't he just keep the window closed while doing his business.. When he takes a shower he does keep the window closed. Help me.

We don't have much close neighbors. So I know all of them already.

Right next to us lives this old lady, and she lives alone. She starts her days always 8 am by putting something in the microwave and boiling some water with the electric kettle. She makes some Chimarrao, comes to the balcony and sits there all day drinking this herbal tea and smoking cigarettes. We always say Hey when we meet. She moved little after Mauri. Mauri said that this lady makes him sad because of her lifestyle. She seems so lonely with her soap operas. Horrible!
I thought she is here spending her retirement days but then one day we saw her sitting at the register area of the next door supermarket. Like. What? Apparently she works there.

Downstairs there is this party people group. They start partying on Friday and stop after Sunday.
They don't get wasted or anything, but just like hang out with their friends, cook some food, drink little beer and shout while laughing in a group. On Sundays they ALWAYS barbecue.
It's actually kinda weird how this place is suddenly filled with people when its weekend. Or holiday.

On the other side of our place there lives this lonely man. Angry man.
One night I was putting some laundry to dry around 6pm and suddenly this dude came to shout at me out of nowhere! I was like help I can't understand you and I shouted to Mauri to come help me.
Mauri was kinda like does it look like we are part of the group or is my wife just hanging some laundry to dry and am I cooking here and the clock is like 6pm on Saturday? Calm down dude. I actually think that this Angry man and the Farting Frank might be the same dude. I'm not sure though because I can't really see in what apartments they both live.

And ofc the neighbor who rents the laundry machine for us.

I think I'm good with knowing neighbors. I think already this is little bit too much for my finishness..