Friday, November 4, 2016

Farting Frank

We ordered the oven from the store next door and bought a vacuum cleaner. One down side living by the beach is sand. It's everywhere.

It was gonna take few days before we actually would get the oven so before that be bought a toaster. You can actually make fried chicken with toaster and killer eggs. Did you know that?

We also picked up the gas bottle from the neighbor lady and paid the rent from laundry machine.
I'm kinda nervous with this gas oven thing because you never know if I'm gonna explode this house.
Yeah we have electric ovens in Finland.

Look how cute cover we found!
I still want the kitchen table. I gave up with the cloth closet and I just took the doors off from the old one so our clothes wouldn't smell so bad.
Ofc the dress boy from the closet is broken..
So every morning I wake up to the noise of crazy ass birds singing in our tree. I get up, make some coffee with breakfast and sit on the old couch on our balcony. OH BTW! It doesn't smell bad anymore inside after I moved the old ugly couch from inside to outside. Victoryyyy.
Usually while eating breakfast I call to my family in Finland and gossip a while. We have had some problems with bureaucracy and it seems that nothing is gonna work.

Also my cousin had a baby right after I left so I ask how he is! So annoying that I didn't know he was gonna have a baby when I bought the tickets here. The baby was born two weeks after I left! Oh well, I'm gonna see him when he is like 6 months or something when I'm gonna visit in Finland in April.

Okay so I have had good time to get to know to our neighbors. Oh no I don't talk to them. I just observe and listen.

We have this neighbor. Who has diarrhea. Every morning. And I can hear him from his bathroom window he keeps open. And it's navigated directly to our "balcony". I'm gonna call this dude Frank. Farting Frank.
Frank takes shower always at the same time and I'm always having my breakfast while his shower and bathroom time.

Like I have heard everything that happens in his guts.. And it's not pretty.

Like. Why doesn't he just keep the window closed while doing his business.. When he takes a shower he does keep the window closed. Help me.

We don't have much close neighbors. So I know all of them already.

Right next to us lives this old lady, and she lives alone. She starts her days always 8 am by putting something in the microwave and boiling some water with the electric kettle. She makes some Chimarrao, comes to the balcony and sits there all day drinking this herbal tea and smoking cigarettes. We always say Hey when we meet. She moved little after Mauri. Mauri said that this lady makes him sad because of her lifestyle. She seems so lonely with her soap operas. Horrible!
I thought she is here spending her retirement days but then one day we saw her sitting at the register area of the next door supermarket. Like. What? Apparently she works there.

Downstairs there is this party people group. They start partying on Friday and stop after Sunday.
They don't get wasted or anything, but just like hang out with their friends, cook some food, drink little beer and shout while laughing in a group. On Sundays they ALWAYS barbecue.
It's actually kinda weird how this place is suddenly filled with people when its weekend. Or holiday.

On the other side of our place there lives this lonely man. Angry man.
One night I was putting some laundry to dry around 6pm and suddenly this dude came to shout at me out of nowhere! I was like help I can't understand you and I shouted to Mauri to come help me.
Mauri was kinda like does it look like we are part of the group or is my wife just hanging some laundry to dry and am I cooking here and the clock is like 6pm on Saturday? Calm down dude. I actually think that this Angry man and the Farting Frank might be the same dude. I'm not sure though because I can't really see in what apartments they both live.

And ofc the neighbor who rents the laundry machine for us.

I think I'm good with knowing neighbors. I think already this is little bit too much for my finishness..

Friday, October 28, 2016

Politics are not for pussies

It was mayor election on 2nd of October 2016
I don't still know who got selected? I can't find any info from internet.

Over here they took down the current president and replaced it with equally or even more horrible character. Next elections are gonna be 2018 I think. So out of the frying pan into the fire. Sounds great.

Downtown there was these demonstrations on the weekends against this new president and the bridge to the continent was closed few times.

I think the up coming elections in general are shown here better than in Finland. You don't have these road advertising signs but you have people marching with the flags of their candidates all around the city handing out flyers or then you can find them standing next to the roads with the flags.
They get paid to do that so I don't really believe that those people even know much about the candidates in those flags.. At least those 10 year old kids.
One dude grabbed me from the shoulder and tried to give me this flyer while saying something in Portuguese and I was like "Dude I don't speak any Portuguese, sorry man" And Mauri said to me "Well I don't think he spoke any Portuguese either, I didn't understand anything he said.." Hahaha.
Every morning you could hear this tiny car going around our block and screaming from loudspeakers some political phrases.

Lady working while texting. Good job.

I don't know how safe it is to keep giant political stickers on the back window..

Over here you have to vote. If you don't, you have to have a good reason why not. For example being very sick or living somewhere else, like abroad or outside of your hometown. (??? Isn't it your hometown where you live at the moment?? Apparently not because Mauricio didn't have to vote because he lives here. Weird things)

If you are voting and you don't know who to vote at the moment, you just press white button so your vote goes to the person who is on the lead at the moment.. yeah.. soo smart.. Also Mauri told me that if you don't want to vote anyone you press 000. But you have to go to the voting place no matter what.

I read that there were murdered few candidates in Rio. Apparently behind this there was this gang who is against the things these candidates value. Insane..

I'm so happy we don't live in Rio. I would probably never go out from our house and still I would be scared.

I asked from Mauri that if you choose a good mayor for this city and also the help of the mayor, do they have any power? I mean if they want to change anything over here, is it possible?
He said yeah they can change things. Mayors are kinda like mini presidents I think.

Yeah. Downtown I started to feel crappy again how everything is so expensive and salaries so shitty. That's why I got very curious if anyone can honestly do any changes here. I'm waiting that some young smart hippie person gets selected as president some year. Someone who would care what happens to waste and trash. Someone who figures out how to get salaries better. Someone who cares, has fresh ideas and is not corrupted. Let's see. Thank god youngsters are very into making their future better.

We also tried to find some book for me to learn Portuguese. We did find one. 700reais HA HA HA HA. Fuck that.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Money, money, mooney.. MONEY!

Okay. I don't really know where to start with all these money things. Nothing just makes sense over here. Like for real I knew where I was coming to when I got here but oh my god...

Over here they have minimum salary in use. I've heard it's around 800 reais. We don't have minimum salary in Finland but if you have full time job in Finland (about 40 hours a week) your weakest salary before taxes is around 1500 euros. After taxes something like 1200 euros. About that much. I think like 1st year register ladies or McDonalds workers gets this money. Something like that.
Okay so this 800 reais is 200 euros. You don't pay even our rent with that money. Maybe this is one reason why kids never move out from their parents place. Or maybe when they turn 30. (In Finland we often move out when we turn 18 and at least by 20). If you would like to live here in a same standard way than in Finland, your salary should be at least 2000 reias. Or maybe even 2500 reais if you want health insurance. So 500-750 euros.

Our rent is 1000 reais and season months it's 1100.. Like. What? You can just change the rent like that? Like I get it because we live by beach and all but isn't it better to have long term renters than tourists once in a while? Or well yeah maybe the tourist rents are like 1000 a week. Hahha. Wasn't thinking.
So the water and electricity is part of the rent money. And then 100 extra from internet. So the living money is about 300 euros.

Our couch was 900 reais. So around 250€. It was on sale. Normal price about 1400reais. So 350e. So the sale was good.
But you only get the discount if you pay the couch right away. And who has 900 reais in your pocket just like that when the minimum salary is 800? Rich people. If I would have bought the couch with installment, the final price would have been about 2000. TWO FUCKING THOUSAND. Like talking about the interest.

So I have no idea how many people in the end actually gets to buy anything from sale. And the salesguy went nuts when I told him that I want to pay the couch right away. He asked many times "Do you mean like in 30 days? So you mean you want to make some kind to payment plan?" No, I want to give you all the money right away.

So installment payment over here is the most common way to pay things. From clothes to furniture.

The big prices are shown like this:

And this is so weird because you kinda have to read the fine print which tells you the REAL total.
So first when I saw all these low prices I was like WHAAAAT HOW IS EVERYTHING THIS CHEAP! And then Mauricio said that yeah those prices are actually the prices you pay monthly... Well. Fine.

So we are still trying to look for the kitchen table. It's very hard to find the right size and GOOD QUALITY! I want it to be full wood or some hard plastic. So there is no plastic furniture here and full wood is very hard to find. (Why the fuck you don't have IKEA here?? I don't get it). Everything is made from this weird woodchip thing. And this material doesn't take moist good like at all.. What's the point of selling furniture that doesn't last under moist weather when you live in AN ISLAND and the SEA is EVERYWHERE?? It doesn't make any sense! But hey when this is the only thing you have then this is the one you buy. And after 6 months the table is completely soft and moist and filled with termites (I got some experience from that). And this same material you use in a sink cabinets but doesn't take the moisture.. Oh yeah and these furniture from this material are not cheap. But local people don't mind. Everyone is in the same situation. Quality and Price don't walk hand in hand and that's just how it is. It's normal.
Sometimes I feel like shaking this people here and ask WHERE IS THE REVOLUTION, WHEN ARE YOU GONNA ASK YOURSELF "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE" (Okay there is more to this than furniture :D)

Electronics are crazy expensive. PS4 was like 5000 or more when it came on the market. It's way over 1000 euros. No one in Finland would pay this much from a game console. It's still like 3000 or something over here. 

Movies, CDs, bags, clothes, shoes, EVERYTHING is so expensive over here that the president built this "mall" downtown which is dedicated only to pirate stuff. And this is legal. Oh well I honestly don't even know if this is legal or is the illegal just made to look less criminal :D I know it was illegal but still people kept selling this stuff on streets. So apparently the president thought "Better -hide- this shit". There is one this kinda mall also in Mauri's hometown.

The food in general is more expensive here than in Finland. Especially when you compare the salaries.
Cheap food like fries, frozen pizzas and ready meals are very very very expensive over here. Like 2kg of fries is 15 reais?? Like it's frozen freaking potatoes why the price??

This is what 125 reais of food looks like. I think it's kinda a lot of money.

We don't really eat cheese anymore because it's so INSANELY expensive! One kilo is like 30-50 reais! In Finland one kilo you can get with 5,99 :D Insane.

If you wanna live as a vegan. Good luck. Or if you honestly just want to eat vegetables then it's affordable but soy, tofu all this kinda things are SO expensive! And it's actually very hard to find any vegan groceries. Only soy things.

If you do have money then you just go to these cool vegan restaurants which are surprise surprise too expensive for regular people to eat.

But I think I'm gonna write more about foods later.

The one positive thing is that I can ask pretty much whatever money from my cakes!

Friday, October 21, 2016

The Couch

Caipirinha and fruits in a cake bowl mmmmm.

Okay so where were we? Mauricio's dad left back home and we still don't have a couch. Or oven. That's where we are.

We have been quite a lot in downtown and elsewhere to find furniture.
We need kitchen table and some sort of closet to keep clothes in. We do have closet for clothes here already which belongs to the owner of this apartment. It smells like a grandmom. I'm so not gonna put any of my clothes in there. No one should put clothes in there. It still kinda smells funny in our house. But you get used to that.

Btw. In Finland I had these crazy ass migraine attacks once a week and I went to hospital once because one attack was so bad. But here I haven't had any. Well it must be because I don't have this insane work stress over here. I had one attack after fighting with bureaucracy over here but other than that. None.

We still cook with microwave, yeah no oven yet. We haven't had time to go to this store next door while its opening hours. I hope the cheap ass oven is still there.

Okay about the kitchen table. I've kinda realized that we are not gonna find one I like. I've been checking out if I could find one online. It's not very easy to google stuff with language you don't speak :D
Moveis, cozinha. I've found few things but the delivery times are insane! Minimum 30 days of delivery??? I AIN'T GOT TIME FOR THAT. Okay while writing this the table would have been here one month ago.. But I also want to touch and feel the products I buy. Mainly because the quality can be whatever over here..
Well. We keep looking.

Aaah yeah, we also need a laundry machine. I didn't even remember that.
We actually have been searching a laundry machine once in a while. I just don't know where to put it because there is no space in bathroom and there is no holes anywhere in this apartment that would show someone has had machine here before. I told Mauricio to make sure from the owner that we can make hole to the wall so we can put the water hose somewhere from the laundry machine.

Well we can't. Apparently somewhere here in this condo there is this laundry room where you can put your machine. But ofc now there is no space for us. Well. Maybe we just have to find these laundry places like in States. You know where ordinary people use some coins to make the machines work.

So on this one Tuesday I was lying in bed and watching some movies when suddenly someone is banging the door and yelling "Mauricio!". I went to check the door like wtf is this crazy dude yelling at. It was the Couch. They were supposed to bring it on afternoon so Mauri would have been home already but 9 am and afternoon. What's the difference.. I opened the door and bla bla bla Portuguese and I said "Yo dude I don't fala no Portuguese, you know English man?" He didn't. So we just waved our hands.

Those dudes threw the big ass couch in the middle of the living room wrapped in packaging paper and plastic and I was like helll no how the fuck am I gonna as a small girl be able to get the couch of this packaging. Well I did. Easy. Peace of cake. Strong independent woman from Finland. I don't need no man.

Look at it! Its so niceee, I also bough this comic puff. Also very nice.
Oh yeah. Before leaving from Finland I sent some of my posters here. They were supposed to be here in 7-14 days. Haven't seen them yet. Honestly I would have been more surprised if the posters had been here on time. Our walls just look kinda empty so posters where aaare you. Also some kind of couch table and corner lamps would be nice. I kinda hate our overly bright roof lamps. So does Mauricio.

I have been trying to find those lamps from online. No luck.

One day this same neighbor who gave us the number for the cheap gas, told Mauri that she has this extra gas bottle which she can sell for us with a good price. Also she asked if we have a laundry machine and offered hers for us to rent! So that's done until we got our own machine and place for it!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

People are way too kind

Mauricio's dad and his family came here to spend some vacation time. The timing wasn't perfect because it just rained the whole week. Too bad.

But it's okay! People came to our place right from the morning and there we were waiting for that couch. We waited until it was 1 pm which was the time the couch should have been here already. Well no couch. Mauri called the company asking what the hell, because we had other things to do than waiting for some couch.
"Aah so they didn't let you know? The delivery has been transferred to another time, I thought they called you about that!" Mauri was freaking pissed and said few strong words and they promised the couch to be here on Tuesday so in 3 days.

It was kinda embarrassing because the only couch we had was this...

I was too embarrassed to ask people to sit down. As a Finnish.

While we waited for the couch, Mauricio's  dad started to talk with our neighbor. She gave us a number where we can get cheap gas for the oven. Okay. Help. Gas in my house?!

We left to see the island by CAR! CAR! What a wonderful freedom free'er! Ahh. Gotta love the easiness of a car.

People were kinda hungry and we started to search a restaurant from Lagoa. Lagoa is part of the city close to Campeche, filled with artists and hippies and cool restaurants. On season time it's the place where people go partying. Lagoa has been built around the Lake of Lagoa (Lagoa da conceicao). The lake was very pretty. Very bright from some areas and surrounded by mountains. I think this is my favorite place on this island so far.

We found this buffet restaurant, 35reais per person and eat all you can. Finnish buffet restaurants are soooo cheap after seeing this. Especially this one sushi place. God damn.
But the food. It was SO GOOD. Salads were fresh, no added salt, rice was so good, fish SO good but the salad table was amaziiing! Just take me there now. Please. I want it. And there was a dessert table where I found this pudding that tasted exactly like Finnish Christmas! I ate soo much and I was very happy, SOMETHING ELSE THAN MICROWAVE FOOD!! (because we still don't have the oven)

Had to take couple of selfies in the back of the restaurant.

We continued our trip to the continent. Mauri's dad's wife had secretly been writing a list of things she thought we would still need, so we started hunting those down. I kinda feel very awkward when someone wants to buy us something because I know we are financially good and it's not small thing over here if someone buys you a blender.

We found super lovely store! It was filled with stuff from toys to grills and everything between.
I went nuts but I tried to keep my head cool because "we are gonna buy only things we actually need.. and little bit candies.."This is my everyday mantra. Sugar addiction is bad.

So we got some shelves, clothe hangers, cups and spoons and everything we need at home. They had so much things there. I had to control myself from buying cake bowls and others because A) We don't have any space for those and B) We don't even have a kitchen table to use for baking stuff. And also we don't have that oven yet. Damn.. We spend few hours in the store because we had a car to bring stuff home!

Mauri's dad bought us a clothe rack, blender, coffee mugs and water boiler. He also paid the shelves I chose. This made me feel so bad. Someone is buying all these expensive things for us that I could pay myself also. I felt so guilty. I didn't really know how to be and it didn't make me feel any easier to not know how to show my gratitude in his language. Horrible. So I just smiled awkwardly.

But it was amazing. I was so freaking exited that FINALLY we have shelves where to store our food! We had nothing before this.

After leaving from the store we headed back to the island to see whats up. But well it was Saturday so all the stores were already closed from the downtown and the weather was very bad.

So we drove back to Lagoa to take some pictures from mountains.

After that we went to the downtown mall (not for poor people or not for me) to find some place to eat, since it was already like 5 hours we ate at the buffet. Again I started missing food places in Finland with these prices. My broccoli had salt on it.
Ofc we had to take some selfies.

Mauricio, me, Mauricio's sister, dad and stepmom.

We took a stroll on the street by the downtown beach, checking out some views and gray clouds. Finally we gave up with the weather and headed back to Campeche. Good timing, when we got in to the car it started raining extremely heavily and window wipers had no use. Mauricio's dad wasn't very good navigator anyway and the rain made it impossible to see any signs where to go. We were circling around a lot and we passed many intersections. Good that we were not in a hurry.

Mauri's family spent little bit more time in our place drinking chimarrao and chatting. His dad wanted to put the shelves to the wall himself. (He probably saw my skills with the curtain rods.. OH YEAH! We have curtains now! But it's not super easy to drill stone walls.. so don't judge me) It was kinda late already so we decided to put the shelves on the next day.

But now we have shelves on wall and stuff on shelves. Clothes on hangers and instant coffee made with the water boiler! Also we made some mango smoothies with the blender!

It's all good.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Sausage of the rich people tastes better

Weeks are going fast and the order of doing things is pretty blurred, but lets see! So week two living in Brazil!

Mauri's friend Esmute (or as I call him SMUCHIEE) from Pelotas was visiting his mom here in Floripa, so he spent one day with us. (I'm SO local already calling Florianopolis Floripa, kinda like local Helsinki people call Helsinki Stadi, it's word transformation from en stad which comes from Sweden and means city) so pretty cool that he came to see us. Smuchie invited us barbecue with his family and so we went there.

We took a bus, took another bus from our terminal and another bus from downtown terminal  and last bus from Canasvieras terminal. We left from here around 4pm and we were there around 6pm. Smuchie was waiting for us and took us to the front of the condo where his mom lived.

"Okay, wow" Was my first reaction when the guard opened the gate for us. Even the gate looked fancy. We took an elevator to Smuchies moms place which was obviously rich people apartment.
But the level of fanciness was kinda same as our houses in Finland when you own your apartment and renovated it a little bit. But the balcony. THE BALCONY. I'm pretty sure that the balcony was bigger than our apartment! There was a door to the balcony from each bedroom and also from the living room, there was barbecue area, dining table. Just small for 10 people I think.. Balcony furniture and small garden area. Honestly I'm not exaggerating. On the left you could see a view to the sea and on the right it was mountains. Still not exaggerating.

Even the barbecue meat and chorizo sausages tasted better than normal. There was no salt in the salad (YESS) and mom had made potato salad herself. That's my absolute favorite food. As a drink there was Heineken beer and cola for me. Beer is always beer and it tastes always bad. Ew. Rich people drink imported beer here. It's fancier than drinking local. Which is so not the case in Finland so it's kinda weird :D 

Oh yeah, people don't speak English here. In schools they don't study English much and all you see from television is dubbed so you just don't hear English much. This kinda sucks for example while eating when people speak Portuguese and suddenly everybody starts laughing like crazy except Finnish person who looks grumpy because doesn't understand. But I'm gonna learn. Smuchies mom knew few words and with those she tried to tell me just stuff in general. It was wonderful. I felt like people are interested in me and they want to make me feel comfortable. I loved Smuchies mom and stepdad. So happy and open, funny, smart and nice. They asked me and Mauricio visit them whenever we want, if we just get bored for example.
Gotta love that!

Mauricio, Me, Smuchie, his mom and stepdad.
Smuchie wanted to show us rest of the condo area.

And I mean my first reaction was "WOW" and then it was "what's the point" and then it was "Rich people get rich while poor people get more poor." I'm little bit like this. My inner hippie sometimes jumps up. Kinda like in Greece when we went to say hello to turtles. I felt like starting a war against tourism after that trip.

Okay. On the backyard there was crazyass pools. On the parking lot they had fancy 60's cars (okay I don't really know about the years but retro and expensive looking), from the condo area you could go to the beach. Beach was of course amazing. Gorgeous. Even the beach looked like for no poors. How can sand and water tell me that this beach is not for poor people? Okay you are not recommended to swim on this beach, because it's little polluted, at least on tourist season. Because well.. Brazilian people let shit to their oceans okay.. But it looked very pretty, very pretty.

You can see the balconies from here

Palm trees!

If you happen to own a jetski or a boat you can just drive it out from the condo through this water road they have here.. Not lying.

They also have gym and movie theater here. Think if your condo area would own a movie theater. What. That's what. 

So I was little curious of what Smuchies peeps do for a living and how much do you have to pay from apartment like that and do they rent apartments for tourists or is allll this just for locals (apparently they also had some politics living there and those people are kinda like celebrities over here, people you don't see hanging around with normal people) and do they have rental apartments here or do you just have to buy one. Also is this place sold out. (Because it looked kinda dead there)

He said that mainly people buy these places, they are too expensive for anyone and some people only live in those on season time. That's why it looked so empty.

But the place was super cool that's for sure.

After the condo tour we went to say goodbyes for Smuchie's mom and stepdad and she made us eat some pineapple-coconut cake. It was good minus the coconut (also I think my cakes are better.. just saying..) we said thankyoubyebye kisses and hugs and we GOT A RIDE back to the Canasvieras terminal so one buss less travelling! We were back at home little bit after midnight.
It was a damn good day!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Shopping, buses and jumping around

Okay, Rest of the week was just bouncing around on the beach and our neighborhood.

There are two restaurants at the beach (so expensive it makes me wanna hurl) and some beach clothe stores. I think there might be one icecream shop also, I'm still waiting for this up coming summer season to show me how this village is gonna turn alive!

Campeche is not crazy millionpeople city filled with stores nonononono.
We have two supermarkets, both very close to our place. From "downtown" you can find organic stores where they sell hippie things, hardware store, flower store where you also can find fresh spices like basil, few gyms, meat market, fruit market, shitty furniture store, crafty stores and small we-sell-everything-you-need stores. Everything is little apart from one another. On night time snack food places open. We haven't been in any of those yet. SO if you really want to go shopping shopping you have to go to the downtown of Florianopolis.

We move around here by buses. On weekdays buses are more active because people need to get to work somehow. And on the weekends there is less buses and more people making streets crowded, so on a weekend it's kinda slow to go anywhere by bus.
In my opinion this bus traffic here is amazing (at least comparing to Finland.. damn), even though Mauri is hating very openly and every day the "fucking crowded bitch ass buses". hahah

Buses move here pretty much 24/7 so you can always kinda get home, even if you need to wait little bit longer to actually get the bus. If you want to travel this island from end to end, you need only one ticket. Even if you need to take 6 different buses. I think this is dope.

The buses go from terminal to another.
So you wait your bus on a stop, pay 3,50 reais and sit down. Bus is gonna take you to the terminal and from there you need to choose your next bus like bus to the downtown of Florianopolis for example. The bus is gonna stop in this downtown terminal and from there you can choose another bus to go somewhere else or you can walk out of the terminal and go shopping downtown.
You get back to the terminal by buying new ticket.
If you never leave from the terminals you can keep riding by buses as long as you want and only with this one ticket. Super cool.
Except if you want to take a bus to the continent you have to pay a little extra. The price of the tickets depends on the location you take the bus from. I think.

If you are senior, pregnant or you have some physical disability you just sit on the front of the bus and pay nothing ! Super amazingly wonderful!

Other than Finland, in Brazil the driver doesn't take your money, he focuses on driving too horribly. In the middle of the bus there is this dude who takes your money or checks your bus card and opens a gate for you. The ticket is 3,50 reais with cash and 3,35 with the card.
I think this dudes job is kinda unnecessary, but they have bunch of random jobs here.

Okay. Crowded buses indeed. You don't have seat belts in a bus and they are crowded as fuck, not always but often. There is no rules that you should sit on a bench. Some people don't mind being in a crowded bus and others calmly wait for a bus which is not so crowded. I don't mind. They don't have thieves or gross people here much so it's cool. Mauri is always so broken if the bus is full. haha.

From our place to downtown it takes about 20-25 minutes on weekdays.
We have to take 2 buses. On weekends in can take few hours.

This island is not small. I haven't been googling any specific lengths or sizes but from end to end with a car it takes about 2 hours if you just could go straight without any problems.
This island is one big city and it continues across the bridge to the continent.
So these areas where people live are like parts of the city. Like for example Queens of New York or like Hollywood in Los Angeles.

Okay, shopping. We went downtown right on the morning, we were supposed to buy an oven.
First I had to wait a while at Mauris school so he could handle few classes, other teachers didn't really know how to deal with me. Hahah.

We searched from every store and we couldn't find any cheap ovens anywhere. Then we remembered that we saw this one oven on the shitty furniture store right next to our place.. So we decided to go get that one. Hahahah.

Okay so now we started to search a couch.

I started to get tired and grumpy, it was hot and I was thirsty and hungry and ALLL the couches were too fucking expensive (I'm cheap I know) or really freaking ugly and we also wanted to get a couch where people can sleep if someone wants to come here from Finland or from Mauricios hometown (10h by bus).

But after a while WE FOUND THE COUCH! Nice, big and gray. The clerk almost fainted when I told him I want to pay the couch right away without any monthly plans. But these payment and money things over here are so insane that I'm gonna write a completely own text about that.

They promised to deliver the couch to our place on by Saturday and we bought this couch on Wednesday. Well promises, promises but let's see how it went down!

We still had some time to walk in circles after buying the couch and before Mauricios evening classes started so we went to see whats up with the Beira Mar which is one of the main avenues on downtown. There is no poor people living on that area I can tell you that..

Very Pretty.

You can't swim here, polluted.