I don't still know who got selected? I can't find any info from internet.
Over here they took down the current president and replaced it with equally or even more horrible character. Next elections are gonna be 2018 I think. So out of the frying pan into the fire. Sounds great.
Downtown there was these demonstrations on the weekends against this new president and the bridge to the continent was closed few times.
I think the up coming elections in general are shown here better than in Finland. You don't have these road advertising signs but you have people marching with the flags of their candidates all around the city handing out flyers or then you can find them standing next to the roads with the flags.
They get paid to do that so I don't really believe that those people even know much about the candidates in those flags.. At least those 10 year old kids.
One dude grabbed me from the shoulder and tried to give me this flyer while saying something in Portuguese and I was like "Dude I don't speak any Portuguese, sorry man" And Mauri said to me "Well I don't think he spoke any Portuguese either, I didn't understand anything he said.." Hahaha.
Every morning you could hear this tiny car going around our block and screaming from loudspeakers some political phrases.
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Lady working while texting. Good job. |
I don't know how safe it is to keep giant political stickers on the back window..
Over here you have to vote. If you don't, you have to have a good reason why not. For example being very sick or living somewhere else, like abroad or outside of your hometown. (??? Isn't it your hometown where you live at the moment?? Apparently not because Mauricio didn't have to vote because he lives here. Weird things)
If you are voting and you don't know who to vote at the moment, you just press white button so your vote goes to the person who is on the lead at the moment.. yeah.. soo smart.. Also Mauri told me that if you don't want to vote anyone you press 000. But you have to go to the voting place no matter what.
I read that there were murdered few candidates in Rio. Apparently behind this there was this gang who is against the things these candidates value. Insane..
I'm so happy we don't live in Rio. I would probably never go out from our house and still I would be scared.
I asked from Mauri that if you choose a good mayor for this city and also the help of the mayor, do they have any power? I mean if they want to change anything over here, is it possible?
He said yeah they can change things. Mayors are kinda like mini presidents I think.
Yeah. Downtown I started to feel crappy again how everything is so expensive and salaries so shitty. That's why I got very curious if anyone can honestly do any changes here. I'm waiting that some young smart hippie person gets selected as president some year. Someone who would care what happens to waste and trash. Someone who figures out how to get salaries better. Someone who cares, has fresh ideas and is not corrupted. Let's see. Thank god youngsters are very into making their future better.
We also tried to find some book for me to learn Portuguese. We did find one. 700reais HA HA HA HA. Fuck that.